Blog 7

 Teach pages on school websites are generally found on a class directory. These directories have the teachers email addresses and a link to their biography. These biographies can have the teachers past education and can have their teaching schedule on display. These pages generally have information on the hobbies of the teacher and class information. This class information can vary from resources to explanations on what the class will use. The website I looked at for this information is Clay County School District, Florida - Directory (

I envision myself using technology in my professional career by having a google classroom. This will allow for me to assign homework and give digital readings of class reading. This will let the students have less of a chance of losing the work or readings. I will also use skyward to track students grades along the class as it lets the students stay up to date with their grades and lets their parent stay involved. 

My experience using the group function during assignment two was a stressful one. It was difficult to find the groups page at first, but once I found it, I knew where to look. I also found the way that the textbox worked as it could not show how the final outlook would look until it was submitted. This was stressful as I had to keep editing to make sure that it looked correct. I did like how all members of the group were able to access it without having to wait on permission from any other users. 


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