Blog 9

     Open educational resources or OER is free resources that is open to the public. It is sort of similar to the concept of public domain as in the rights allow for anyone to use them. There are rules to using the information or resources but there are less stimulations to using it rather than normal copyright. In education teachers will gain a variety of resources that other teachers have developed and used in their classroom for free and for use. The website,a%20textbook%20which%20is%20OER. provides examples on the OER.

    When completing assignment 4 I developed more skills in adding animations. I also developed more skill by adding pictures an icon. The icons were difficult to maneuver at first but the more I used them, the more I became acquainted with them. I liked the concept of the assignment and liked developing the PowerPoint. The only part I disliked about this assignment was the part on recording your voice to go along with the PowerPoint as I felt like it was difficult to find a quiet place to record. I can improve it by waiting until my roommates have gone to class before recording the voice part of the PowerPoint.


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