Blog 6

     My initial response to using Diigo was confusion. I began by trying to sign up for Diigo and none of my emails were being accepted. I downloaded the extension and it let me sign up for the application. I found bookmarking the websites easy but the original website I bookmarked would allow for annotations. As a result of this, I had to find a different article, but after finding this article it was very easy to work.

        Blogging has been a new experience for me. I do not have many strong feelings about blogging. I find it more interesting than a discussion board would be, but I dislike that other people can see the blog posts. I like that it is set up like word but is different than I have learned how to add a copyright link and how to use a new website. I have learned how to comment on other people's work.

    The web 2.0 tool that I will use in my future career as an educator will be livebinder. This application is similar to Padlet in which students submit their work to it to be reviewed by the teacher. The difference is that students can make the live binder private and only accessible via a code that is shared with the teacher. This prohibits random people from seeing their work. I find the website to be very reliable as it allows for work done on paper to be scanned in. The link to this website is LiveBinders


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