Blog 5

 I decided to use Instagram as my connecting tool for this class as I already had an account, so I was familiar with the website. I made a new account specifically for the class. I had to make connections with people in this class and with three teaching accounts. One teaching account that I connected with was classroomcreations which provides tips and tutorials for new teachers. One recent post was about organization for teachers. I have found these tips useful and believe that these tips could be beneficial in the future as it can help me develop these skills.

The digital divide is the divide between students who have internet access and students who do not have internet access at home. This divide can effect a student's success in a classroom as a student with internet access at home will be able to complete online assignments outside of school which will allow for them to take their time and get the best grade, The students who do not have access to the internet outside of school will either have to hurry to finish while at school or will have to have a secondary written assignment. When I am a teacher, I may experience students who do not have access to the internet in order to combat this I conduct a survey at the beginning of the year to discover which students will need alternative assignments that are conducted offline.

Academic software for students is very important as it allows for students to practice information learned in class. Two software that I plan to implement in my future classroom is ClassDojo and IXL. ClassDojo provides me with the means to track a student's behavior and to have rewards in the case of the monster growing up. It also gives me the means to communicate with parents by letting the parents see what is happening in class. IXL is a great tool to have students do homework in order to check their math skill or reading skills. IXL will explain to student what is wrong with the answers that they have gotten on the problems or will reward them with points for every correct answer.


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