Blog 3

     Copyright and fair use is important as this is what protects your work and others work. This is important in the classroom because this covers the use of textbooks and website programs. When dealing with the copyright and fair use in the classroom the best course of action is to write your own lessons. This will help upkeep the law and will allow for you to not have to deal with purchasing programs. 

    Cyberbullying is big problem on the internet, and this can link into the classroom. In my future classroom, I will teach the students all about the dangers of cyberbullying and how to use the internet in a respectful way. I will also implement programs that will allow for me to see what a student is doing on a computer at school as this will allow for me to see if any unappealing behavior online. I will also create a safe space for students to come to me if they are being bullied online. 

    When it comes to implementing ChatGPT or other AI programs, I think that they do more harm than good. Most students use AI to write essays for them which can be hard for teachers to catch. This is not good as the students are not learning these writing skills that are necessary for everyday life. These AI can also answer homework questions which will take away the knowledge the student would be getting if they completed it. 

    The newspaper web designed helped me develop many new skills in word and Canva. I had little to no experience working with the program Canva. I learned how to make a backdrop and create my own images in Canva. I learned how to make a hyperlink in word and how to work with shapes in Word. In my future career, I plan on making newsletters for my future students and will use the skills I learned in Canva to help me create a backdrop for my own classroom. 


  1. Hi, Kelsey! While creating original materials is an excellent way, it's also important to recognize the value of incorporating existing works under the fair use doctrine. Fair use can enrich your lessons by allowing you to use small portions of copyrighted works for educational purposes, criticism, commentary, or scholarship, adding depth and context to your instruction.
    You may also consider exploring Open Educational Resources (OERs). These are teaching, learning, and research materials in any medium that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation, and redistribution by others. OERs can be a valuable complement to your own materials, which can allow you to incorporate a wide range of resources without the concerns of copyright infringement.


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